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Our educational philosophy

The particularity of the Jardin de Zébulon is that it is aimed at children over 4 months old.

First of all. le Jardin de Zébulon is not meant to be only a place of baby-sitting but it also wants to offer to the child an educational and entertaining place. a place of life and joy where fantasy, spontaneity, humour and friendliness are essential. A place where the child lives his/her life as a kid, builds his/her personality through playing and the pleasure of playing.

The most important thing is that your Child is free in his/her activities. There is no constraint !!!!! The Jardin de Zébulon Team works with the parents for the education and the care of their child.


Give the possibility to your child to start to live in community and anticipate his/her schooling.

A tailor-made adaptation

A smooth and personalized adaptation to the day nursery for each child according to his/her rhythm, needs and fears of separation.


Help and accompany him/her in the different steps towards independency (walk, speak, achieve personal hygiene, eat alone, say thank you, please, wait for his/her turn, share, give, lend...) while taking into account his/her own personal development and rhythm

Develop his/her personality

Let him/her make decisions and take initiatives in order to stimulate his/her future personality.

Creativity and early-learning

Develop and encourage the creativity and the senses of each child through early-learning activities and targeted workshops.

Encourage his/her corporal and verbal expressions, his/her intellectual, sensory and psychological development through games, reading...

Develop the child's private world

Respect his/her moments of independency by letting him/her play alone so as to develop his/her imagination, personality and own private world.

Multilingual and cosmopolitan environment

Immerse your child from the very early childhood into a multilingual and cosmopolitan environment so as to open him/her to others and become open-minded.

Foreign languages

Get him/her used to a foreign language while improving his/her mother tongue.

For the children whose mother tongue is not French, introduce them to the French language before Starting nursery school.

For the other Children, get them used to a foreign language thanks to discovery workshops.


Open his/her mind by organising sociocultural celebrations (Thanksgiving, Christmas, birthday, carnival, twelfth-night, Easter, mother's day, father's day, grandmothers' day, music festivals (ie. Fête de la musique)…. and by tasting "international cuisine"

Wonder and imagination

Make him/her open-minded and develop his/her imagination thanks to external persons (clowns, magicians, marionette, storytellers.

Parents and professionnals partnership

It is essential that the early childhood professionals and the parents communicate in order to create an atmosphere of trust and friendliness for the well-being and development of the child.

Take the time to speak, listen, understand, adapt to one another in order to find solutions together.